Special Educational Need Co-ordinator
We have 2 qualfied SENCo’s in our team. Debbie has recently completed her SENCo training and is supporting Jasmin as our named SEN Co-ordinators, working well in partnerships with parents and the Specialist Early years Team to offer support for the children in our care.
Early Talk Boost
All our staff have recently had training on how to offer this intervention to the children in our care.
Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children with delayed language development helping to boost their language skills to help narrow the gap between them and their peers.
Initial findings show that after Early Talk Boost, children make statistically significant progress in their early language. On average they make 6 months progress after 9 weeks of intervention helping them to catch up with other children their age. This is twice the amount of progress of children not having the intervention.